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What authors are saying about Jenny Meadows/My Copy Editor:

Jenny Meadows, a Texan, now lives in New Zealand with her Kiwi husband, and we emailed almost constantly while we worked on the edits and revisions of my latest book, Voices of Healing and Hope. Her professional skills are unsurpassed, as are her patience, kindness, and vast knowledge of the English language. You are a lifesaver, dear Jen, and I bow to you and your grace. I honor your competence and your skills. Thank you!

-- Iris Bolton,

Jenny Meadows has completed proofreading and editing of my last two family history books, being the 242-page book titled The Seifert Family, published in 2012, and more recently the 351-page book titled The Gooch and Mulvaney Families of Larimer County, Colorado, to be published shortly. By their very nature, both books are full of names, dates, and locations. I feel fortunate to have located Jenny, as her meticulous editing and proofreading/cross-checking skills caught numerous inconsistencies that would have otherwise been published. Many of the corrections she found were after the second book had already been through one round of editing and proofreading by someone else. I now have the comfort level of knowing that future family generations and others will realize what a total professional effort went into these books

-- Michael Morris, Timelink Media

That's a wrap! After the experience of working with Jenny Meadows and, we are done forever with using in-house editing that is usually provided by many book publishers. There are exceptions, but what too often prevails is a joyless process of superficiality, disconcerting inconsistency, and an unwarranted smugness of a kind that sets in after decades of doing the same old thing the same old way. It is a pleasure and a welcome education to be edited by Jenny. Clients get quick deadline turnaround, impressive thoroughness, and a helpful professional attitude. Those who harbor the quaint notion that thoughtful editing can improve a manuscript are going to be very pleased.

  -- Pete Egoscue and Roger Gittines, co-authors of LET'S LIGHTEN UP

Jenny is fast, fun, and reliable. Too many authors publish their well-thought-out work with typos, misspellings, and grammar errors -- all of which make their work look not very well thought out. Jenny protects my image and helps me be clear.

  -- Dr. Joe Vitale, #1 best-selling author of Spiritual Marketing, The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History!Adventures Within and much more, and/or 

Jenny is awesome. Without her my websites, blogs and productions would simply be a mess. NEVER have I worked with someone who is so spiritually supportive along with so technically superior in her field. She's the queen of the lost art of 'fine research/fine detail' copy editing.

  -- Tom Parish, founder of Tom Parish and TalkingPortraits and a regular podcaster with EnterpriseLeadership and blogger with TalkBMC

As a first-time author, I feel gifted to find Jenny as my copy editor. She took my work and helped me transform it into a product that I could feel good about. My first draft was fragmented and hard to read. Jenny's suggestions allowed me to correct this aspect of the writing in a way that was easy to understand and accept without changing the meaning. She is truly a word artist as well as a teacher that I would characterize as an essential part of my evolution as a writer. 

  -- Russell Forsyth, author of Mariposa (book) and Angel Whispers (blog),

I have never known anyone who blends detail and compassion as well as Jenny Meadows. She does more than revise text; she helps you discover what you're really trying to say. With Jenny, you get more than a proofreader and copyeditor -- you get a 'connection to yourself' expert. And this serves writer and reader alike.

  -- Mark Morris, MSW, MFA, author of Living Yes: A Handbook for Being Human

The professional editing skills that Jenny Meadows brought to our Sand Matters project (books and journals) reflect her keen ability to maintain the unique writing styles and voices of four collaborating authors. Her detailed copy editing and her creative suggestions gave us a cohesive and extraordinary series of books. We look as good as we do because of her standard of excellence.
  -- Irene Banks, CEO, Sand Matters, LLC,

Jenny Meadows' eagle eyes missed little in the galley of my new book. Her research went well beyond what you might expect in a proofreader. She not only reads but comprehends what she reads with a keen intelligence. And she cares. As a result, I have a text whose grammatical, typographic, and bibliographic accuracy is second to none.

-- Michael Benedikt, author of God Is the Good We Do: Theology of Theopraxy, Bottino Books, New York, 2007

As a classically trained musician, I am aware that many highly successful artists keep close relationships with trusted mentors or teachers to help them finely tune their art while preserving the voice they have worked so hard to develop. Jenny does the same for me in my new career as a writer. She respectfully takes my words in my voice and fine tunes them. I have known her since 1985 and much of that time she has been a close personal mentor and partner in life. She applies the same passion and love she has for her friends to her craft. I'll never publish again without her touch.

  -- Charles Price, co-founder, (blog)  

Jenny Meadows has an extraordinary KNACK4 copyediting and proofreading - and so much more. Her lightning-quick, precise edits and proofreading ensure that your work is professionally prepared for publication. What's more, her uncommon insight and perspectives guarantee that your best work gets out - of you!

  -- Patti McGowan, President,, and author of Knack4 ... almost Anything ... 

I have always wanted to blog and share my ideas across the web. Even though I had the thoughts, I lacked the skills to punctuate and paragraph my blogs. After Googling several services I had almost given up as the fees charged for editing blogs were just too expensive. Then I found Jenny. Her special rates for bloggers allow me to submit several articles a week at a price anyone can afford, & her work is great! I never thought anyone could make my work look so good in type! Thank you, Jenny!

  -- Curtis Hagen, Oil & Gas Driller and blogger,

Jenny Meadows is one of the most meticulous, prompt copy editors I have ever worked with. She is responsive, on time, and confident. I enjoyed working with her as she gave genuine feedback in a very timely fashion. As a book author who is used to working under deadline, I appreciate Jenny's professionalism. She is a breath of fresh air! I knew my manuscript was in good hands when I sent it off to her. Her guidelines were clear, and she delivered.

  -- Christine Louise Hohlbaum, author of Diary of a Mother: Parenting Stories and Other Stuff and S.A.H.M. I Am: Tales of a Stay-At-Home Mom,

I feel fortunate to have worked with Jenny. She is graced with perfect editing balance, straddling the line of helpful critiques and careful ego-nurturing. I found her to be nice, smart, patient, fearless in speaking her mind, meticulous, consistent, challenging, and willing to learn and research her writer's topic. In short, a dream editor! I would not hesitate to call upon her talents again. And I will. Oh, and she always answered my emails. It doesn't get much better than that.

  -- Cynthia S. Morgan, author of You're Already Hypnotized: A Guide to Waking Up,  

We are so pleased with Jenny's work.  She is quick to respond to e-mails and always comes through with rush projects. Her work is flawless! Thank you, Jenny!! 

  -- Tiffany Johnson, GatewayArrivals, the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport newsletter, 

Jenny Meadows has regularly proofread and copy edited articles I have prepared for the news section of the South African Medical Journal. I found her service fast and unerringly accurate. Her questions seeking clarity are pertinent, her suggestions sound and helpful, and her respect for my authorship immense. As a former newspaper journalist of 30 years' experience, I have yet to find a copy editor or proofreader as thorough or as careful as she. She is also a thoroughly decent person who is a pleasure to deal with. 

  -- Chris Bateman, 'Izindaba' News, South African Medical Journal,

Jenny did an excellent job editing the initial draft of my book. She has an eye for detail and a good sense of flow. Her suggestions were helpful during my rewrite, and I believe have resulted in an even better second draft. Also, she did everything electronically, so I could simply 'accept' or 'reject' her changes rather than having to retype manually. That's certainly a time-saver and better for the environment...both important benefits, in my view. 

  -- Shonnie Lavender, business coach, speaker, and author of Live the Life You've Imagined,

I've known Jenny Meadows as a student, teacher, and entrepreneur for eighteen years. She has the 'right stuff' with whatever she touches. She typed and edited two program manuals with impeccability while they were being developed at breakneck speed by our staff on two continents. The project was completed on time and with a smile on every one of our faces, thanks to Jenny's competent style and professional values. She will always be on our list as Number One for service.

  -- K. Bradford Brown PhD, The More To Life Foundation and InterAction UK and US,

Jenny Meadows came highly recommended by my friends and marketing consultants, Joe Vitale and Tom Parish. I was not disappointed! She is easy to work with and proficient in her abilities to write and edit copy to make it sing. She did this for my entire website. Very pleased. I give Jenny an A+.

  -- Robert Channing, President of PowerPerformers and author of Mind Power,

Jenny Meadows edited copy and fact-checked my book with impeccability and great attention to detail. She is a pleasure to work with, completes her work in a timely manner, and tells you what she really thinks in a way that's easy to hear. I wholeheartedly recommend Jenny to anyone who wants to take his/her creation to the next level.

  -- Bruce Mulkey, author of Talking My Walk: Essays on Spiritual Activism, columnist and chronicler of the emergence of the culture of connection,

Jenny really knows how to get to the nitty and ask the right questions. Her expertise and uncanny intuitive nature really helped me make my novel the 'It' book of 2006. Once we finished tearing everything apart, I knew it had evolved. I look forward to next time.

  -- Tami Newton, author of Men Custom-Made